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Friday, 26 February 2016

Methods To Hack Wi-Fi Password In Android Devices (For Rooted & Non Rooted Device)


Hello all visitors

Many of friends asking , massaging About How To Hack Wi-Fi? How To Hack Wi-Fi password? in Android.

Recently i have Posted About How To Root Almost all Android Device

Now we are back with Wifi hacking trick.



HACK WiFi using WiFi Wps Wpa tester :


-Rooted Android Device (4.0 recommend)

Busy Box
Terminal Emaluator

Recommended to use on high signal -60 or less.

Steps To Use wps tester:-

•Just download and Install this app From Here

•Make Sure You Have Enabled The Unknown Sources In Settings/

•Open app and press refresh.

•Then the list of WiFi networks available will be shown.

•If you see a green Lock Icon click on it

•Press Try to Connect

•Choose a Pin (Try all) also Try ‘VERBOSE’

•In seconds a pop up will appear with the password

•Enter the password and enjoy free WiFi.
Done Enjoy.




Now you can hack wifi with WPS pin enabled router in matter of few minutes. You simply have to own an android phone and an app called WPSPIN From Here

Steps To Use WpsPin:-

• Download an app called WPSPIN

• Install the app

• Open the app

• The app will automatically scan for WPS enabled wireless networks

• Click on the network that you want to crack

•Note down password

• Enter the 8 digit pin in place of password field

• Now you have a cracked wifi. Enjoy!!



Hack WiFi Password in Non Rooted Android Device Using AndroDumper App

•AndroDumpper is also an another wifi hacking Android app that claims to hack wifi password in android mobile without rooting in android phone.

•Download AndroDumper(Wps Connect)App From Here

•The Application will try to connect to WPS enabled Wifi Routers that have the WPS vulnerability using some algorithms to connect to the Wifi.

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